Tag: obama
When I’m right, I’m right: Geraldine Ferraro and “The day after”
The Obama campaign’s response to Geraldine Ferraro’s attack perfectly illustrates several things I talked about last week in The day after. Campaign strategist David Axelrod emphasizes the pattern: Axelrod said Ferraro’s comments were part of a “pattern” of negative attacks aimed at Obama. He pointed to Clinton’s former New Hampshire co-chairman Bill Shaheen, who questioned…
The day after: narrative through the lens of strategy
original essay March 5, 2008 see the comments for updates Back on February 7, Catherine Dodge and Alex Tanzi of Bloomberg News broke a story on an Obama campaign spreadsheet, “inadvertently” released by the campaign, with their projections (or maybe predictions) of delegates. Ben Smith on Politico has a nice screenshot, and even better a…
“Double Bubble Trouble”: Massive voter disenfranchisement in California — and Washington?
The LA Registrar of Voters says it may not be possible to determine voter intent! Please sign Courage Campaign’s “Count every vote” petition asking for a full recount! 25,000 signatures so far; latest update and some discussion about “intent” on Courage Campaign’s page here. PeteTV has a video and transcript at So this is what…
Choosing hope over fear: Obama ’08
A lot of people have written great posts on why they support Barack Obama and his campaign; so I’ll keep it quick, and link out to others who have taken the time to give more details and say things better. A lot of people say “they’re no different on the issues”. I disagree. There are…
The Super Tuesday thread!
To avoid overflowing the blog, I’ll use this thread to collect various snippets about Super Tuesday. Stories and threads elsewhere: Twitter: supertuesday, Politweets, very cool Google maps mashup, Tag clouds for liberal and conservative blogs, from Virtual Vantage point. Live coverage of Super Tuesday, the feeling on the ground and letters to friends and family…
Two articles on Obama and one on Hillary from the Atlantic
There were a couple of interesting articles about this year’s presidential election in this month’s Atlantic. Andrew Sullivan suggests in Goodbye to all that that Obama’s real significance is that “unlike any of the other candidates, he could take America—finally—past the debilitating, self-perpetuating family quarrel of the Baby Boom generation that has long engulfed all…