Tag: activism
A proposal for Obama’s new CTO: Require independent review by technical experts
Yesterday my former Microsoft colleague Matt Lerner, now at FrontSeat (“software for civic life”) sent out mail about the new ObamaCTO.org site, a user-powered forum for gathering and prioritizing ideas for Obama’s new CTO. Anybody can register, vote on ideas, or submit your own; in a twist from digg-style rating, each person is limited to…
Online activism in response to anti-LGBTQ propositions
There’s a huge amount of activism going on in response to Prop 8 in California and the other anti-LGBTQ state propositions that passed. A few I know about: Join the Impact is focused on a national day of protest on November 15. Their Google Group and Patrick’s post on Pam’s House Blend have more. The…
Voter Suppression Wiki action alert: preparing for election day
The Voter Suppression Wiki has issued our second action alert, this one focused on preparations for election day at the polls, along with a video that’s already been featured by YouTube. As Baratunde Thurston says in our media release, “All of the debates, research, organizing and enthusiasm can be undermined if people don’t head to…
Protecting the election by “leveraging” office printers
cross-posted on Pam’s House Blend, OpenLeft, and MyDD and Oxdown Gazette, with various differences due to HTML incompatibilities but some cool polls to make up for it. Executive Summary: Print out election protection documents on Friday and Saturday, at work (unless you’d get fired) and at home (if you have a fast printer): My Vote,…