Author: jon
Obama and privacy: some early disquieting signs
Sarah Lai Stirland discusses Barack Obama’s Privacy Challenge on Wired’s Threat Level, focusing on the question of what’s going to happen to the huge amount of information that Obama, the Democrats, and firms like Catalist collected from during the campaign from all kinds of sources — voter files, commercial databases, phone and canvassing information, etc.…
A proposal for Obama’s new CTO: Require independent review by technical experts
Yesterday my former Microsoft colleague Matt Lerner, now at FrontSeat (“software for civic life”) sent out mail about the new site, a user-powered forum for gathering and prioritizing ideas for Obama’s new CTO. Anybody can register, vote on ideas, or submit your own; in a twist from digg-style rating, each person is limited to…
Online activism in response to anti-LGBTQ propositions
There’s a huge amount of activism going on in response to Prop 8 in California and the other anti-LGBTQ state propositions that passed. A few I know about: Join the Impact is focused on a national day of protest on November 15. Their Google Group and Patrick’s post on Pam’s House Blend have more. The…
Notes from underground: the weekend after
Psymbolic 4, at the Gingerbread House in SF. Liam Shy, Dr. Spook, Predators (with their CD as a bonus) … it had been a long week so we left at about 3 a.m. and missed the last few DJs, but a fine night nonetheless. As we said our goodbyes to Spook on the way out,…
Reminder: if you’re in line when the polls close, you can vote
With long lines all over the country, the Voter Suppression Wiki is issuing another action alert with a reminder that as long as you’re in line when the polls close, you can still vote. “Voters who are in line before their local polling place closes must be allowed to vote,” says Lillie Coney of EPIC…