Author: jon
Notes from Underground: Digging Out
To ensure your future, some freedoms must be surrendered … We will save you We will save you We will save you From your selves — Robot Revolution (Say no to SOPA remix), Virtual Light vs. Wizack Twizack vs. ?, San Francisco over the holidays was a lot of fun but by early January we…
Blog for Choice Day: What will *you* do to help elect pro-choice candidates in 2012?
Today’s the anniversary or Roe v. Wade, and this year’s Blog for Choice Day topic is “What will you do to help elect pro-choice candidates in 2012?” Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but reproductive rights remain under assault. The Obama Administration’s hand-wringing before finally denying an religiously-affiliated hospitals an exemption from the requirement…
Quite a contrast, which seems like a good thing to me: New Year’s Eve 2011/2012
2011 wasn’t the year I expected it to be. But while it’s easy (and depressing) to look at what didn’t happen, one of my resolutions was to take a more asset-based thinking approach to life. If I look at what I — and we — accomplished this year, it’s pretty impressive. — NanoEvolution In keeping…
Happy f—ing Bill of Rights Day
Both houses of Congress have passed the #NDAA codifying indefinite detention — and Obama’s happy with the language, so won’t be vetoing it. Meanwhile even as I write this, the House is debating #SOPA. Remember back in 2006-8 when the Bush Administration rammed through PATRIOT Act reauthorization and FISA? Obama was on the right side…
Notes from Underground: Eclipse
End-of-year schedule overload led to an intense week, complete with meetings trickling over to the weekend. Sigh.  But Friday afternoon was sunny, so I knocked off early and went for a walk in the woods. After dinner I took a short nap and a good thing too. What leads to a pivot? You don’t just…
Notes from Underground: NanoEvolution
Yeah really. DJ Anomaly keeps getting better and better, the crowd was totally into it, the lighting made everybody look good, and at 5 a.m. cinnamon rolls appeared as if by magic … epic indeed! We had both spent most of the week sitting and working so had a lot of pent-up energy. D had…
Notes from Underground: IllumiNation, Travelling, and Transition II
Why yes, I have been quiet for a while now that you mention it. We spent almost a month on the road, starting with Sacramento for a privacy coalition meeting, and SF for Olli Wisdom at Space 550. We had juggled our plans to be at IllumiNation, and it was totally the right call.  …
Temporarily disabling comments …
I’m getting hit by a ton of spam so am turning off comments temporarily. Carry on.
Notes from Underground: Equinox+One and Solitude
Summer ended quickly in Seattle this year. One day it was sunny and 80 degrees; the next it was cloudy and 60. DJ Anomaly’s Thursday night Equinox+One marked the official start of fall with a great set — and some familiar faces. “Hey, I remember seeing you years ago at Infected Mushroom and Astral Projection…
Constitution Day 2011: Freedom not Fear
In the aftermath of my events on Sept. 11, 2011, I feel violated, humiliated and sure that I was taken from the plane simply because of my appearance. Though I never left my seat, spoke to anyone on the flight or tinkered with any “suspicious†device, I was forced into a situation where I was…