Tag: software engineering
Transforming Tech with Diversity-Friendly Software
Slides and notes from my presentation at TRANSform Tech
A proposal for Obama’s new CTO: Require independent review by technical experts
Yesterday my former Microsoft colleague Matt Lerner, now at FrontSeat (“software for civic life”) sent out mail about the new ObamaCTO.org site, a user-powered forum for gathering and prioritizing ideas for Obama’s new CTO. Anybody can register, vote on ideas, or submit your own; in a twist from digg-style rating, each person is limited to…
Rant: I hate software
also posted on Pam’s House Blend. for a good time, compare and contrast how Soapblox (there) and WordPress (here) display the URLs in the quotes 🙂 As a “grand old man” of the software engineering field of defect detection, I sometimes take it personally when I run into bugs or usability problems. My IM friends…