Category: Uncategorized

  • The day after: narrative through the lens of strategy

    original essay March 5, 2008 see the comments for updates Back on February 7, Catherine Dodge and Alex Tanzi of Bloomberg News broke a story on an Obama campaign spreadsheet, “inadvertently” released by the campaign, with their projections (or maybe predictions) of delegates. Ben Smith on Politico has a nice screenshot, and even better a…

  • Microsoft/Yahoo! roundup

    Note: this thread summarizes what others are thinking, and my reactions. My opinion on the potential acquisition is here — and along with many others’, on MiniMSFT. Andy Borowitz has the biggest news: Obama to buy Yahoo! Other than that … Microsoft has been fined a record €899 million ($1.4 billion) for defying the EU’s…

  • Dept. Of Homeland Security: ‘Has Anybody Seen A Blue Folder?’

    WASHINGTON—In an emergency press conference held this morning, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff urged the American public to be on the lookout for a folder that was misplaced sometime in the last 24 hours, most likely in the DHS offices, but also possibly anywhere else…. “I can assure everyone that the assistant secretary…

  • Facebook Barack Obama discussion board has been deleted!

    The discussion board on the Barack Obama discussion page is now *gone* — not just unlinked, vanished. If you follow a link to it, it takes you to your home page instead. Sigh. Looks like they’re choosing fear over hope. Any bookmarks or links won’t work. I’m sure it’s around on backup somewhere, so hopefully…

  • “A very special Ad Astra holiday”

    Sometimes I described the Ad Astra (Analysis and Development of Awesome STRAtegies) work at Microsoft as a sitcom on network TV — most explicitly when we had a “wrap party” at the May Mashup. In this worldview, the Ad Astra narrative is something along the lines of … Building on the small audience success of…

  • Resolutions

    A poem by my brother. A few years ago, when I launched my web site on new years day, I asked him for permission to post it to start things off on a good note. It worked well then … why change a winning recipe? RESOLUTIONS by Gregory K. Pincus Every year on New…

  • Egypt to copyright pyramids, sphinx

    Sometimes truth is just as strange as fiction. I’m working on a sequel to my story Eris and the anomaly which kicks off with the law firm of the Gods of Olympus sending me a takedown notice, claiming copyright on both the image of a golden apple and the term “kallisti”. I was pretty pleased…

  • How’d *that* one get through QA?

    Last year, Microsoft set up a Windows Live Messenger bot to let kids talk with Santa: great fun for kids, a good way to increase readership — and of course a potential wealth of information to mine to better target ads, both for the kids and their parents. Talk about win/win! They reactivated it this…

  • Welcome!

    Come then, I pray, grant me surcease from sorrow, Drive away care, I beseech thee, O goddess Fulfil for me what I yearn to accomplish, Be thou my ally. Just a temporary post for now … I’ll launch for real in the next few weeks. jon