Category: Uncategorized
Take action: Demand justice in the killing of Oscar Grant
From Color of Change’s site: On New Year’s Eve, Oscar Grant was shot execution-style by a transit police officer in Oakland, California. He was shot in the back while face-down on a subway platform, unarmed and posing no threat. Twelve days later–despite several videos showing what happened–the officer who killed Grant hasn’t been arrested, charged,…
A proposal for Obama’s new CTO: Require independent review by technical experts
Yesterday my former Microsoft colleague Matt Lerner, now at FrontSeat (“software for civic life”) sent out mail about the new site, a user-powered forum for gathering and prioritizing ideas for Obama’s new CTO. Anybody can register, vote on ideas, or submit your own; in a twist from digg-style rating, each person is limited to…
Reminder: if you’re in line when the polls close, you can vote
With long lines all over the country, the Voter Suppression Wiki is issuing another action alert with a reminder that as long as you’re in line when the polls close, you can still vote. “Voters who are in line before their local polling place closes must be allowed to vote,” says Lillie Coney of EPIC…
Voter Suppression Wiki action alert: preparing for election day
The Voter Suppression Wiki has issued our second action alert, this one focused on preparations for election day at the polls, along with a video that’s already been featured by YouTube. As Baratunde Thurston says in our media release, “All of the debates, research, organizing and enthusiasm can be undermined if people don’t head to…
Protecting the election by “leveraging” office printers
cross-posted on Pam’s House Blend, OpenLeft, and MyDD and Oxdown Gazette, with various differences due to HTML incompatibilities but some cool polls to make up for it. Executive Summary: Print out election protection documents on Friday and Saturday, at work (unless you’d get fired) and at home (if you have a fast printer): My Vote,…
Media call for workshop on “Last-minute strategies to reduce voter suppression” — Wednesday, 11 AM Eastern/8 AM Pacific
Last-minute strategies to reduce voter suppression Audio available here The Voter Suppression Wiki’s Workshop on Last-minute strategies to reduce voter suppression identified several major opportunities to protect voting rights during the week of the election. While election officials, campaigns, and non-partisan organizations have all made major effort to inform voters, there is still a significant…
No blank check for Wall Street: an open letter to the Presidential candidates
(original draft 10/6, revised 10/7) also posted on Pam’s House Blend and Oxdown Gazette Executive summary Help write an open letter to the Presidential candidates asking them to explain their support for the bailout during their debate on domestic policy. Using the collaborative writing tool at MixedInk, you can rate different versions of the letter,…
Breaking: Congress limits constituents’ emails. Facebook to the rescue?
Jordy Yager reports in The HIll: The House is limiting e-mails from the public to prevent its websites from crashing due to the enormous amount of mail being submitted on the financial bailout bill. As a result, some constituents may get a ‘try back at a later time’ response if they use the House website…
No blank check for Wall Street: now what?
“Now is the time for Congress to come together again and vote on a real, comprehensive plan that will solve the crisis while still protecting the taxpayers and restarting our economic growth. I am prepared to stay here and in session as long as it takes, and I know many of my colleagues in Congress…
No blank check for Wall Street: How to get more coverage?
The No blank check for Wall Street Facebook group is up over 500 people — excellent progress given the paucity of links!  Depending on the agreement of the bailout, and reactions to it on Monday, we may well try to ramp up the wall-writing campaign.  So it’s worth some time thinking about how else we…
Email lists for “No blank check for Wall Street”
Just a quick note: I’ve set up a couple of email lists for No blank check for Wall Street; – announcements (low-volume): – discussion (potentially high-volume as we get larger): please join, and let your friends know!
Is netroots non-diversity a myth?
DRAFT! Work in progress Originally written August 2 Most recently revised September 22 Originally written as a response to Chris Bowers OpenLeft post The Myth Of The Non-Diverse Netroots; please see the quantitative debate there.  There are a lot of additional observations and references in my Gender, race, age, and power in online discussions,…
Black squirrels on the march!
Seems like it’s kind of a “sucks to be you” situation for the roughly 2 million grey squirrels in the UK — and the 150,000 red squirrels in the Scotland can’t be too happy about it either. Steven Morris has the story in the Guardian Having usurped the red squirrel in most parts, grey squirrels…
When I’m right, I’m right: Geraldine Ferraro and “The day after”
The Obama campaign’s response to Geraldine Ferraro’s attack perfectly illustrates several things I talked about last week in The day after. Campaign strategist David Axelrod emphasizes the pattern: Axelrod said Ferraro’s comments were part of a “pattern” of negative attacks aimed at Obama. He pointed to Clinton’s former New Hampshire co-chairman Bill Shaheen, who questioned…