Category: Tales from the Net
Turning the Page on FISA (guest-blogging on
I’ve got a post Turning the Page on FISA on’s Criminal Justice blog today. Here’s the beginning: The coming year will present a unique opportunity for a broad-based activism campaign to restore our civil liberties and begin rolling back key pillars of the national surveillance state institutionalized by the Bush Administration and Congress over…
Get FISA Right: quick update
Executive Summary Ideas for Change competition: currently #6; please vote for and help promote our idea. Cable TV ads: notes from last conference call are up; next call Saturday; script frozen by Monday. Update, 9:30 pm: draft scripts including “Better watch those nuns — and their friends too” posted. Feedback please! 2009 strategy planning: please…
Get FISA Right and’s Ideas site: Rupert Murdoch as civil rights sugar daddy?
Nancy Scola’s Ideas for Change, and a Roadmap in techPresident’s “Daily Digest†discusses’s Ideas for Change in America: The social-action hub has just announced that the project now has the backing of MySpace and a broad coalition of supporting partners, including techPresident, the Sunlight Foundation, Netroots Nation, VotoLatino, GOOD Magazine, Change Congress, Campus Progress,…
Creating the future: Computers, Freedom, and Privacy 2009
From conference co-chairs Cindy Southworth and Jay Stanley’s Call for presentations, tutorials, and workshops: The 19th annual Computers, Freedom, and Privacy conference is now accepting proposals for panels, workshop sessions, and other events. CFP is the leading policy conference exploring the impact of the Internet, computers and communications technologies on society. It will be taking…
Join the Impact: taking social network activism (and LGBTQ rights) to the next level
Kate X Messer’s Young gay marriage activist leads national protests on 365 Gay profiles Seattle Amy Balliett, who started up the Join the Impact web site after a blog post and email by her friend Willow Witte. Amy’s 26, and her day job is as a search engine optimizer. It’s also an excellent history of…
Online activism in response to anti-LGBTQ propositions
There’s a huge amount of activism going on in response to Prop 8 in California and the other anti-LGBTQ state propositions that passed. A few I know about: Join the Impact is focused on a national day of protest on November 15. Their Google Group and Patrick’s post on Pam’s House Blend have more. The…
Petitions are soooooo 20th century
I set up a petition here, and I’ll be sending the comments onward to John Podesta and Michael Strautmanis of the Obama transition team. — Matt Stoller, Larry Summers At Treasury: A Fox in the Henhouse, OpenLeft The first two replies to Matt’s post were JoelN: Is it still possible to start new ‘MyBO’ groups?…
Showtime for election protection and citizen journalism!
They’re already voting in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, so Election Day has officially begun. Showtime! We’ve just finished our last minute polishing for the Voter Suppresssion Wiki, with a redesigned home page, a Voter Suppression Documented summary with snippets of a dozen different examples, final touches to the Media Room, the Prepare for election day…
Media release: Voter Suppression Wiki workshop highlights last-minute opportunities for reducing voter suppression
Cyberspace — A diverse group of bloggers, community organizers, media professionals, technologists, and voting rights activists have issued a report with several last-minute recommendations to reduce voter suppression in the upcoming US Election. Some of the most significant opportunities involve increasing awareness of resources like the non-partisan Election Protection hotlines at 1-866-OUR-VOTE/1-888-VE-Y-VOTA, engaging the tens…
Update on the Workshop on Last-minute strategies for reducing voter suppression
Update: w00t, w00t, Voter Suppression Wiki is mentioned in Noam Cohen’s Casting a Ballot, and a Wary Eye in the New York Times — and I’m quoted (“The interesting challenge — the story in progress — is how do we coordinate our effortsâ€)!  Mom will be proud 🙂 We’re roughly at the midpoint of the…
Radio, radio. You’re gonna hear me on your radio. Tonight!
On Saturday, Jon hosted a major organizing conference call that became a strategy session for countering voter suppression nationwide. And, so, in a bit of marvelously self-reflexive irony, with Jon’s help, we’ll be using that same approach to make this hour of our show into a kind of national town meeting of the air, by…
Announcing a last-minute workshop on “Last-minute strategies for reducing voter suppression”
Heading into the last ten days before the election, it’s clear that is there are still huge opportunities to reduce voter suppression. How to make best use of this time? There are so many groups doing great stuff here that there are lots of opportunities for synergy; at the same time, there’s also a lot…
Live from Madison this Sunday: social network activism and the Voter Suppression Wiki
I’ll be appearing on John Quinlan and Harry Waisbren’s show Forward Forum this Sunday from 8-9 CDT, on the air in Madison and streamed live at WTDY. I met Harry working on Get FISA Right, and so we’ll be discussing social network activism in general, looking at some of the experiences I discuss in Reflections…
Help, please, with test data for the Twitter Vote Report (updated with logo)
Executive summary Please take a minute to help by providing test data for an election monitoring project! Details Momentum on the Twitter Vote Report continues to build — Nancy Scola and Allison Fine’s excellent update from Monday already looks out of date, and as the steadily-growing partners list implies, we’re making excellent progress towards the…
Voter Suppression Wiki: 40,000+ votes at risk in North Carolina, please help get the word out
Executive summary 40,000 votes at risk in North Carolina; please help get the word out for future action and media alerts, please join the vswiki-alerts Google Group feedback, please, from activists, bloggers and voters about our action alert Details After posts by me on Pam’s House Blend Sunday night and Baratunde Thurston on Jack and…
Action alert: help get the word out about confusing North Carolina ballots
In a classic example of confusing ballot design, a “straight party” vote in North Carolina does not include the presidential contest. If you want to vote for a president, you need to make an additional mark in the presidential contest even if you’ve chosen a straight party vote. (See detailed instructions in the first comment.)…
Election protection: Techville and Reality City
Welcome to those who have gotten here via my appearance on Meet the Bloggers! The Voter Suppression Wiki is a non-partisan hub of information and action around efforts to suppress votes in the 2008 U.S. elections. For more information, please see our strategy and talking points, Baratunde Thurston’s launch post on Jack and Jill Politics,…
Voter Suppression Wiki: Introductions, Help Wanted, and Strategy
Cross-posted on Oxdown Gazette and Pam’s House Blend The Voter Suppression Wiki is a non-partisan hub of information and action around efforts to suppress votes in the 2008 U.S. elections. For more information, please see our strategy and talking points, Baratunde Thurston’s launch post on Jack and Jill Politics, and my series of posts on…
Oxdown Gazette: some initial reactions
cross-posted on Oxdown Gazette The conversation in the blogosphere is — I sincerely hope — about to change. — Jane Hamsher, And the Big Announcement Is…, Firedoglake, July 2008 I’ve spent a bunch of time at Firedoglake’s Oxdown Gazette this last week, regularly checking the home page and recommended stories, commenting here and there, as…
Voter suppression wiki: what to discuss on Meet the Bloggers?
I’m currently scheduled to be on a Meet the Bloggers‘ discussion of voting rights on October 17, along with Brad Friedman of THE BRAD BLOG and presumably at least one other guest. It’s a great opportunity to get the word out about the Voter Suppression Wiki, and in particular to enlist other bloggers in helping…