Author: jon
Obama’s YouTube video page hacked!?!?!!?
Just saw this in a thread in the One Million Strong for Barack Facebook group: the Barack Obama Keating Economics page on YouTube appears to have been hacked. It’s fixed now … but here’s a screenshot: The Part of: link at the bottom apparently went to the McCain ad “The One.” (No, I didn’t click…
No blank check for Wall Street: an open letter to the Presidential candidates
(original draft 10/6, revised 10/7) also posted on Pam’s House Blend and Oxdown Gazette Executive summary Help write an open letter to the Presidential candidates asking them to explain their support for the bailout during their debate on domestic policy. Using the collaborative writing tool at MixedInk, you can rate different versions of the letter,…
Notes from underground: HOTwired Seattle, tonight!
It’s the first Friday, so time for our favorite Seattle psytrance monthly, HOTwired at Noc Noc — nwtekno thread here. Osiris Indriya and Amanita are spinning, of course, along with Shadowvex and Philly G. Be there or be square! It’s been a few months (and several activism campaigns) since the last time we made it…
Breaking: Congress limits constituents’ emails. Facebook to the rescue?
Jordy Yager reports in The HIll: The House is limiting e-mails from the public to prevent its websites from crashing due to the enormous amount of mail being submitted on the financial bailout bill. As a result, some constituents may get a ‘try back at a later time’ response if they use the House website…
No blank check for Wall Street: now what?
“Now is the time for Congress to come together again and vote on a real, comprehensive plan that will solve the crisis while still protecting the taxpayers and restarting our economic growth. I am prepared to stay here and in session as long as it takes, and I know many of my colleagues in Congress…
No blank check for Wall Street: How to get more coverage?
The No blank check for Wall Street Facebook group is up over 500 people — excellent progress given the paucity of links!  Depending on the agreement of the bailout, and reactions to it on Monday, we may well try to ramp up the wall-writing campaign.  So it’s worth some time thinking about how else we…
Email lists for “No blank check for Wall Street”
Just a quick note: I’ve set up a couple of email lists for No blank check for Wall Street; – announcements (low-volume): – discussion (potentially high-volume as we get larger): please join, and let your friends know!
Rant: I hate software
also posted on Pam’s House Blend. for a good time, compare and contrast how Soapblox (there) and WordPress (here) display the URLs in the quotes 🙂 As a “grand old man” of the software engineering field of defect detection, I sometimes take it personally when I run into bugs or usability problems. My IM friends…