Author: jon
Activism at the speed of Skittles! #p2 and Ask the President (DRAFT!)
DRAFT! Work in progress, feedback welcome. Final version to appear on The Seminal.
#askpres: lessons learned?
What are the learnings from our Ask the President experience? For me, a few off the top of the head. 1) a single page with instructions where people can vote for multiple ideas is extremely valuable for competitions like this (although our layout still needs work) 2) the combination of a twitter account (@p2pt0) and…
Ask the President: update heading into the home stretch
Ask the President (aka #askpres) has gotten brief mentions in the Politico, a second link from WashPo, and Jake Tapper tweeted about it. Momentum is building! And there are other projects going on to get citizen input into White House press conferences: Jake Tapper is soliciting questions on Twitter and will read them all. He’s…
Mr President, do you like Skittles? (DRAFT!!!!)
The first installment of Lessons from Skittles for poets and activists briefly described how Skittles’ Twitter-centric viral marketing campaign caught fire and concluded that one lesson is that activists without a lot of time or money should seriously consider incorporating Twitter in their plans.  That’s a pretty general conclusion. So our next two installments will…
Testing out TweetSuite
I’m testing out Dan Zarella’s TweetSuite, which includes Tweetbacks and a Tweet This button. Unfortunately, according to the comments here, it apparently only works on posts that have been created since the plugin has been installed. Â Â So I’m creating this post to test things out. We shall see …