Author: jon
Sweet Kona sunsets: Summer vacation 2010
Our last real vacation had been in June 2007, also on the Big Island of Hawaii. Just a few weeks before we left Microsoft had told me that they planned to lay me off (although they didn’t give notice for three months) so I was somewhat stressed. Since then, well, by the end of 2007…
It’s a service business. Did Expedia fail to get the memo?
D’s organization Privacy Activism is going to be debuting the graphic novel Networked: Carabella on the Run at ComiCon … how cool is that? So I was making plane reservations for her. We usually fly Alaska Airlines up and down the west coast — after a decade of doing the two-city thing, we’re “MVP golds”…
Showtime! Computers, Freedom, and Privacy in a Networked Society starts today!
Should we have to give up our freedom and privacy in to reap the benefits of a constant connection to friends and information? How do we take advantage of the power of computers to improve freedom and privacy online and off? – From the CFP 2010 Call for Participation Let’s find out, shall we? I’ve…
The Computers, Freedom, and Privacy conference and a Social Network Users’ Bill of Rights (DRAFT)
DRAFT! Work in progress! Feedback welcome! Final verison intended for Pam’s House Blend
What rights should social network users have? (DRAFT!)
Draft! Work in Progress! Feedback welcome! Final version intended for the Computers, Freedom, and Privacy blog.
Computers, Freedom, and Privacy in a Networked Society: June 15-18, in San Jose and Cyberspace (DRAFT)
Draft! Work in Progress! Feedback welcome! Revised version intended for Blog@CACM.
Notes from underground: heading into the home stretch
It’s another party, this time at the Gingerbread House — which is open for business again, apparently having gotten its permits in order. San Francisco’s “War on Fun” has even gotten coverage in Reason magazine; as Lois Beckett asks in SF Weekly, is it enforcement or harrassment? Hopefully it’ll all be copacetic tonight …
Twenty-four years. Wow.
April 11, 1986, was our first date. I had no idea what it would turn into. Lucky me! 🙂 Happy Virtual Anniversary!
Notes from underground: Kinetic 4 at the Pacific Science Center
Okay, it might be stretching it a little to call it “underground” … still, Infinite Connections’ parties at the Pacific Science Center are always great fun. Promoters Amanita and Osiris Indriya are also the guys behind Hotwired, Seattle’s psytrance monthly, and know how to create a great vibe. The setting is amazing … Insect Trance,…
Notes from underground: Warmth for Valentine’s Day
So tonight, and the rest of the weekend, I’ll be choosing desire over fear, trusting my intuition, trying not to analyze things too much, falling through the limitations of intelligence into pure and simple creativity, and bringing inner ecstasy back into my consciousness. And hopefully that’ll set the rhythm up for the entire year —…
Tales from underground: HOTwired Seattle!
This’ll be the first time we’ve been to Seattle’s psytrance monthly HOTwired since it moved to Waid’s a couple of months ago. Aminata and Osiris Indriya, Lara, Blue Spectral Monkey … and it goes to 4 a.m. w00t! Time to dance!!!!!
Rant: I still hate software (DRAFT)
Draft! Work in progress! Feedback welcome! Revised version intended for Qworky’s blog Better Software/Better World If you’ve got any examples of or stories about software you hate, please leave them in the comments!
Privacy and social networks: a grassroots social network activist’s perspective
Social network sites epitomize the wave of the future, Obama’s strength in 2008, and youth. Â They’re overwhelmingly in favor of civil liberties. Â And civil liberties supporters are getting organized there. — Social network activism and the future of civil liberties, originally published on Pam’s House Blend At the annual privacy coalition meeting in Washington DC,…
Notes from underground: from the Awful Aughts to a blue moon and an embarassment of riches (New Year’s weekend 2009/2010)
Wow! The psytrance scene tends to be feast or famine, but this is ridiculous! With New Year’s Eve falling on a blue moon and a Thursday night, there’s so many options for the weekend that it’s hard to know what to do. Good problem to have!