Author: jon
Changing the ratio: part 2 of “TechCrunch, disrupted”
For part 1 of the series, please see The third wave and the agenda of awesome The tweet’s from J’aime Ohm, whose “black box for real life” WiseDame won the Hackathon over the weekend. I embedded it in the post using Storify, my favorite of the startups who presented on the first day of TechCrunch…
TechCrunch, disrupted: the third wave and the agenda of awesome
The third wave embraces contradictions and conflict, and accommodates diversity and change.
Facebook outage: “an unfortunate handling of an error condition”
Facebook was down for a couple hours yesterday, the second day in a row they’ve had problems. In More Details on Today’s Outage, Director of Software Engineering Robert Johnson explains: The key flaw that caused this outage to be so severe was an unfortunate handling of an error condition. An automated system for verifying configuration…
Diaspora: what next?
It was a summer to remember for the founders of Diaspora, the “privacy-aware, personally-controlled, open-source, do-it-all social network”. Talk about being in the right place at the right time … Back in the firestorm about Facebook privacy last May, the four NYU students raised $200,000 for their project on Kickstarter. Since then they’ve moved to…
“Angelgate”: Collusion is so hot right now
There is an angel conspiracy. It dark, it is devious, and it is far-reaching. The conspirators number amongst them many of the top people in the Valley, including angels, VCs, lawyers, and yes, even journalists. We have joined together despite our differences and conflicts for a single, sinister, self-interested purpose. To get your attention. —…
Constitution Day 2010: We’re all talking to each other
A lot of these people that are upset in this country are upset with big government, and for a lot of the people, including these Tea Party people, they don’t like the PATRIOT ACT. There is a constituency out there that is not just on the left, but is also on the right and in…
A #diversitywin as an opportunity: Women talking with women (and a few guys too) at the #wwt TeleSummit (UPDATED)
Slides from the TeleSummit are available on Slideshare The speaker list for today’s sold-out Women Who Tech TeleSummit is amazing, amazing, amazing …Â @jillfoster, @digitalsista, @blogdiva, @missrogue, @randomdeanna, @conniereece along with TeleSummit organizer Allyson Kapin of Rad Campaigns (aka @WomenWhoTech), and that’s just the first hour! There are some guys speaking as well at this…
Emoware: What does “emotional software” feel like?
I was intrigued. So I checked it out, and talked with Cindy, experience design goddess Oonie Chase and superhero Giovanna Mingarelli. Now I’m even more intrigued — and very impressed.
Women in tech startups: how each of us can help change the ratio, parts 2 and 3 (DRAFT)
DRAFT! Feedback welcome! Part of a series for NWEN’s blog
Links from the Arrington/TechCrunch women in tech kerfuffle (UPDATED)
Even over the three-day weekend here in the US we continue to see some excellent discussions, for example Qworky advisor Gayle Laakmann’s Blame Men — And Women and Audrey Watters’ “Ambient Un-belonging” Arrington’s got another post up too. Looking ahead, the Women In Tech teleconference on September 15 includes TechCrunch CEO Heather Harde is on…
Windstorms on Playa (Labor Day Weekend 2010)
Windstorms on Playa As we battle Ithaqua. Best. Burn Night. Ever. for D, September 2010 We didn’t go to Burning Man this year. Who knows, maybe next year. Instead we observed burn night in our own way, by having spaghetti, playing Arkham Horror, and drinking champagne. We lost three of five investigators but in the…
Women in technology startups: a few things each of us can do (DRAFT)
DRAFT! Work in progress, feedback welcome! revised version intended as a two-part series on NWEN’s blog
Fretting, asking, and begging isn’t a plan: the Arrington kerfuffle and women in tech
If you really want to make progress, treat it the way you would any other business problem you take seriously. Set goals, put a plan together, hire good people to help you, and do some real outreach.
Notes from underground: Psylebrating good times
I eased back into things slowly after our vacation, visiting LA to see my brother and his family and then San Diego to meet a Facebook friend and hang out with D, who was launching PrivacyActivism’s graphic novel Networked: Carabella on the Run at ComiCon. How cool is that? By the end of July, it…
31 months later: The Economist’s Debate on Privacy (DRAFT! Feedback welcome!)
DRAFT! Feedback welcome! Revised version to be posted on Tales from the Net.
Go Seattle! The Innovate 100 Pitch Slam at pii2010
pii2010 (privacy identity innovation) got off to a fine start yesterday with a great opening reception and the Innovate 100 Seattle Pitch Slam. While a few of the participants were from the Bay Area, Seattle-area startups Optify, InternMatch, and Pathable took the top three spots, with Tweetajob and IdeaScale also representing well. Go Seattle! And…
Seattle Geek Week: a Pitch Slam, a Tweetup, pii2010, and more!
This is “Geek Week” in Seattle . Yeah, yeah, every week is geek week here, but this is especially geeky with pii2010, gnomedex, and a host of other events. Thea Chard’s got a good overview in XConomy. I’ll be at a couple of events on Tuesday, August 17, and probably more later in the week. …
The NWEN First Look Forum: early-bird advice
Update: the final deadline is August 23. Rebecca Lovell’s The Art of the One-Page App has some very helpful advice Don’t delay! Apply today! If you’ve launched an innovative business with growth potential…. And you’re looking for expert coaching and some exposure to the investment community…. And you have not yet presented your plan to…