Author: jon
Patriot Act renewal: Time to make some noise. Fortunately, there’s an app for that!
Key provisions of the Patriot Act will sunset unless Congress renews them by the end of February. Time to make some noise. Fortunately, there’s an app for that!
Starting the feedback loop: part 2 of “The agile one-pager” (DRAFT)
Draft! Revised version with better takeaways posted on NWEN’s blog. In part 1 of the series, we looked at reasons to write an executive summary, highlighted resources like Rebecca Lovell’s The Art of the One-Page App and Garage Technology Ventures’ Writing a compelling executive summary, and introduced the agile approach to writing an executive summary:…
The agile approach to a one-page executive summary, part 1: Getting started (DRAFT)
Update, February 2: Final version posted on NWEN’s blog.
How can we use #PrivChat to press for #privacy rights? (REVISED)
Update, August 2: discussion of Google+ and HR1981 in a new comment Originally written January 19. Updated January 24, after discussions with Weaver2World and MissHealth. I modified one of the recommendations and added a new one. See the pink highlights in the text. Mark Stanley of the Center for Democracy and Technology wrapped up Tuesday’s…
Thoughts about a social media campaign for “The Stripping of Freedoms”
EPIC’s The Stripping of Freedoms conference has an all-star cast: Kate Hanni of FlyersRights, pilot Michael Roberts of Fed Up Flyers, Jim Babb of We Won’t Fly, Prof. Jeffrey Rosen, Bruce Schneier, Nadhira Al-Khalili of CAIR, Chip Pitts of BORDC, Ginger McCall and Lillie Coney of EPIC, and many many more. So it’s a great…
Notes from Underground: Vibration spanning the decades (New Years Weekend 2010/2011)
Last New Year’s Eve, the card for the “final outcome” in my Tarot reading was Temperance, which represents vibration.*  And what a coincidence: guess what tonight’s psytrance party is called? It’s been a long decade. Ten years ago, things were spiralling down: the dot-com crash, a stolen presidential election, with Enron and 9/11 fast approaching.  …
Notes from Underground: A Death Guild Twofer
We got back from D’s family around 6 p.m. Christmas Day, car stuffed with food and presents. Looks like we won’t starve 🙂 Then we took a nap, and after munching on leftover spaghetti I headed out to Death Guild’s X-Mess night at the DNA Lounge. Saturday night in the big city! How cool is…
The top 23 privacy stories of 2010 and 2011
The Center for Democracy and Technology is running a Twtpoll on the biggest privacy story of 2010. Vote early and often! Then come back and read the rest of this post.
Happy Bill of Rights Day!
It’s been another tough year for the Bill of Rights in the US. We spent Bill of Rights day on the road, opting out of the TSA’s abuse of our rights by driving (not flying) from San Francisco to Seattle — so apologies for the lateness of this post. The National Archives has a great…
Notes from Underground: Psymbolic and Entheogenic Garden. Hail Eris! All Hail Discrodia!
An experiment, a (net)work in progress, a meta-level solution, a work of art… e-luminatus Another Geomagnetic party at the Gingerbread House, and then Arjuna at a downtown venue I haven’t been before … time to take a quick break from the infowar and civil disobedience for a weekend of psytrance in San Francisco!
Taking the Train!
We got on the train in Seattle’s King St. Station: a quick ID check, and that was it. No nude pictures. No irradiation. No groping. This is how travel should be.
What Did You Win by Playing Sports? Rally to Help Girls’ Sports Day
I almost never blog about sports here … but since today is National Women’s Law Center’s Rally to Help Girls’ Sports Day, I figured I’d make an exception. The theme for the blogging day is “What did you win by playing sports?” First, though, a little context. And it’s something that made a lot of…
Time to celebrate!
November was such a busy month that I didn’t do any journalling. But now, with the draft of wrapped up, it seems like a good time start up again. So … Wow, what a month. I wrote a novel! Well, at least a draft of one … 75,000 words. needs a lot of…