Author: jon
Observations from TechInclusion 16
A few themes that struck me as particularly important.
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A short list of other conferences
“Diversity-Friendly Software”: a SXSW proposal!
Originally posted on the TapestryMaker blog Update, October 10: the proposal was accepted. Yay! And, thanks! SXSW’s “Panel Picker” opened for voting today, so it’s a golden opportunity to check out the session Shireen Mitchell and I proposed on “Diversity-friendly software“.  Voting counts for 30% of the score on a proposal, so if you’re interested…
Notes from Underground: Tribal Convergence (New Year’s Weekend 2015/2016)
For the first time in years, we rang in the New Year at a psytrance party in SF — Tribal Convergence at the Gingerbread House! Michael Liu, Witchdokta, and the Mendo Organized Chaos crew had done a great job putting the party together, and the place looked amazing.  We found a cab with no problem…
Galactic: New Year’s Eve 2013/2014 at the Atrium
“It’s the happiest I’ve seen you since I can’t remember when …” — more than one friend, to me, October-December 2013 Indeed! The last few months have been great: working on an exciting project, and (finally!) hanging out online at a positive, diverse, site with interesting people and great discussions. And even though 2013 as…
Restore the Fourth: Grassroots civil liberties activism is back and better than ever!
It’s the Fourth of July, and we’re fighting for our civil liberties. — me, in 2008, to the Senator Obama – Please, No Telecom Immunity and Get FISA Right mailing list Five years later, grassroots civil liberties activism on social networks is back and better then ever. Back in 2008, we were organizing online, trying…
Happy Birthday Get FISA Right: Looking forward to what comes next!
Cross-posted on Get FISA Right Get FISA Right started on June 26, 2008, with posts by Mardi S on and Mike Stark on Open Left. We were the first high-profile grassroots social network activism campaign in the US and got enough attention that Obama responded to our open letter. Still, we and our allies…
TSA Comments due *Monday*, 11:59 p.m. Eastern
If you’re tired of the TSA to electronically strip-searching us, abusing and humiliating people, making kids cry, and wasting billions of dollars on technology that doesn’t actually make us more secure, make sure to file your comments by Monday June 24 at 11:59 p.m.  You can theoretically submit comments online via (although as…
Day of Action, Monday, June 17: Tell the TSA to End Nude Body Scanners
With less than two weeks left to comment on the ‘nude body scanners’ in airports — and civil liberties on the front pages — it’s time for a final push to get the word out.
Tell the TSA what you think about nude body scanners!
Airline passengers have been walking through full-body scanners for nearly five years, but only now are fliers getting a chance to officially tell the federal government what they think about the screening machines. In response to a lawsuit, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit ruled that the Transportation Security Administration…
A Rainbow of Light: Replenishing at the Atrium
A rainbow of light Candles and colorsReplenishing energy.A rainbow of light
Notes from Underground: The Dark Before the Dawn
Dancing in the darkness, Your deepest desires … Do you know why you’re here? Do you think you have control? — Lexicon Avenue, Why R U Here? What a week. What a month. Hard to believe I’m back on the fast track in the Silicon Valley startup scene. Shipping! Hiring! Organizational issues! Interpersonal conflicts! Planning! …
Anti-TSA video goes viral!
Jonathan Corbett’s video has over 800,000 views in the last couple days, despite YouTube censoring it for a while (possibly because the title has “nude” in it).   The Travel Underground thread is the epicenter. The rough chronology: the original post had a great headline Lisa Simeone on TSA News was the first to blog…
A tidal wave in progress? I ♥ Innovation at the Women 2.0 PITCH Conference
The sold-out Women 2.0 PITCH Conference’s opening keynote features Caterina Fake, co-founder of Flickr and Hunch,* on “Making and the True Path.” The rest of the sessions look great too: case studies by Robin Chase of Zipcar and Julia Hu of Lark, and the “$50 Million Panel” featuring Deena Varshavskaya of Wanelo, Leah Busque of…