This is “Geek Week” in Seattle . Yeah, yeah, every week is geek week here, but this is especially geeky with pii2010, gnomedex, and a host of other events. Thea Chard’s got a good overview in XConomy.
I’ll be at a couple of events on Tuesday, August 17, and probably more later in the week. Please let me know if you’d like to sync up.
at 4:30 in the Bel Harbor conference center, it’s the pii2010 opening reception followed by the the Innovate 100 Seattle Pitch Slam is on August 17. Innovate 100 is run by Guidewire Group, which includes Chris Shipley (best known for DEMO); they’ve already done over a dozen in Eastern Europe, and this is just the second one in the US. Judges include Rebecca Lovell of NWEN and Fran Meier of TRUSTe. I don’t know details but it looks very interesting. It’s $40 to attend, and if you’re looking for an interesting window on innovation or a good networking opportunity, it could be a good deal.
at 8:30, pii2010 and NWEN and the CFP coference are having an impromptu tweetup somewhere in Belltown. We’re still finalizing the location; look for more info on the #nwen and #pii2010 hashtags on Twitter. It’s no cost to attend (in this context, “Tweetup” is code for “everybody buys their own drinks”), so if you’re a night owl, come join us.
Speaking of NWEN, if you’ve been considering applying to the First Look Forum, we’ve pushed the deadline back to August 23 to better align with Geek Week. Rebecca Lovell’s Help us Help You: The Art of the One-Page App on the NWEN blog has some very helpful advice.
And speaking of pii2010 (privacy identity innovation), if you’re doing anything related to online identity, privacy, or the social web, by all means check it out.  It’s pii’s first year, and they’ve got a really exciting program. The pitch slam is one of several other things going on their, including a Startup BootCamp on Thursday at the space needle.  There’s a lot more information at … see you there, perhaps
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