New theme (much of the time): Goodfell3s



Update on April 12: back to Goodfell3s.

Note on December 12: the theme randomly spontaneously resets to the (blue) default. If that’s what you’re currently seeing, this post may not make a lot of sense.

Another theme from Amsterdamn, as pink as the less-than-successful Leone experiment but at first blush a lot more readable. We shall see. I’ve found the theme editor, and so will be trying to play with font sizes. Apologies in advance if things occasionally look screwy.

To install it, I had to download the .zip file to my mac, FTP it up to the hosting site, SSH over to unzip it (I guess I could have unzipped locally and FTPed to avoid this step), and then bring up the WordPress theme selector UI page. This seems like a lot more complex than it needs to be. I’d really prefer a field on the theme selector page that lets me (as administator) provide a link to the .zip file on Amsterdamn’s site, which would get rid of several steps in the process.


6 responses to “New theme (much of the time): Goodfell3s”

  1. hmm, well, I found the “body” CSS description and changed the “12pt” to “15pt” in the hopes that everything would be relative to this single size. no change noted in the presentation. oh well, looks like i’ll have to do this the hard way.

  2. oh wait, I liked: I just hadn’t hit save. changing the “body” CSS description does generally ripple on down through. there were a handful of other font sizes in various places in the CSS file; I’ll tweak them to see which work.

    i also want to change the font color on followed links to be something more standard … like, y’know, blue.

  3. update originally on 12/11 at 6:12 pm: my theme just spontaneously reset;I noticed because it went from pink to blue. Not sure why … perhaps an upgrade to WordPress on my ISP — perhaps a hacker attack from the anti-pink league! At any rate, the theme is not currently Goodfell3s. Sorry for any confusion.

  4. update at 6:38 pm: it had reset to WordPress 1.6 default. it was easy enough to reset back to Goodfell3s although it’s pretty irritating that i should have to. still, the reset to a blue default is a nice example of the kind of unsubtle normalization we often encounter, pink in representing attributes like femme, queer, and glbt — and invisible by default.

  5. drat. back to the default again. this is starting to get irritating.

    should i consider using some other blogging software?

  6. […] as an oh-so-modest first step to get myself in the right frame of mind, i’ve reset Liminal States to the hot pink “goodfell3s” theme […]

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