“The Facebook betrayal – users revolt over advertising sell-out”

Nice article in by Susie Mesure and Ian Griggs in the Independent on Sunday on responses to Facebook’s new “social advertising” direction from users and consumer advocates.  The contrast betweeen the 35,000 people in “My photos are MINE! NOT Facebook’s! Change the Terms and Conditions” and less than 600 “fans” of Coke is a nice hook (although of course it’s early days yet).  Featuring a quote from my favorite privacy advocate, Deborah Pierce: “Users should be concerned. They have no idea who has access to information about them from the site.”

This follows on the discussions at the recent FTC Town Hall, an FTC letter from Center for Digital Democracy (Jeff Chester’s quoted in the article as well) and US PIRG,  and the call for a national “do not track” list by a broad coalition of organizations including Privacy Activism, EFF, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, World Privacy Foundation, Consumer Federation of America, and CDT.  One of the articles describing the do not track list called it the “first salvo in the next privacy battle” or something like that; looks like things are heating up quickly.



3 responses to ““The Facebook betrayal – users revolt over advertising sell-out””

  1. Not me! I’m endorsing our new corporate overlords Facebook’s innovative use of my likeness for their own gain. How else are they going to fund invading our privacy?

  2. Chris Treadaway Avatar
    Chris Treadaway

    we’ll laugh about this so-called “invasion of privacy” years from now when this is the status quo.

    we’ve been on a slippery slope of making our information available broadly via the Web for years now… this is just another leap ahead that people will be comfortable with in no time.

  3. maybe, maybe not. it might also be viewed as the turning point where people looked up and said “hey, wait a second.” time will tell …

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